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Xenbase Image ID: 129537

Figure 6. The lifespan-extending effects of fgt-1 knockdown are reduced on the daf-2 background, whereas there is no significant lifespan extension on the age-1 background(A) Determination of lifespan for daf-2 (e1370) mutant worms exposed to fgt-1a RNAi (▲) and fgt-1b RNAi (●) with NGM. ∆ and ○, control uninduced RNAi. (B) Determination of lifespan for daf-2 (e1370) mutant worms exposed to a fgt-1a and fgt-1b RNAi mixture (1:1 ratio) together with NGM. ▲, fgt-1 RNAi; ∆, control RNAi. (C) Determination of lifespan for age-1 (hx546) mutant worms exposed to fgt-1a RNAi (▲) and fgt-1b RNAi (●) together with NGM. ∆ and ○, control uninduced RNAi. (D) Determination of lifespan for age-1 (hx546) mutant worms exposed to a fgt-1a and fgt-1b RNAi mixture (1:1 ratio) together with NGM. ▲, fgt-1 RNAi; ∆, control uninduced RNAi.

Image published in: Feng Y et al. (2013)

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