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Xenbase Image ID: 125599

Figure 2. Melatonin release from the XOP-XCLΔQ-GFP and the CAR-XCLΔQ-GFP transgenic eyecups and wild-type controls.Each pair of eyecups was prepared from individual tadpoles and flow-through culture was performed for 5 days. Media fractions were collected every four hours, and assayed for melatonin by RIA. Each line represents melatonin release from a pair of eyecups. A. Melatonin release rhythms in the individual XOP-XCLΔQ-GFP eyecups (n = 5) and wild-type controls (n = 7). As compared to the wild-type eyes that demonstrate melatonin release in a circadian manner for five days, the majority of the transgenic eyes do not show significant circadian melatonin rhythmicity. B. Melatonin rhythms in the CAR-XCLΔQ-GFP (n = 6) and wild-type eyecups (n = 6). With some exceptions, eyecups release melatonin in a circadian manner.

Image published in: Hayasaka N et al. (2010)

Hayasaka et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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