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Xenbase Image ID: 168963

Figure 3. Recruitment and retention of SSBR proteins following multi-photon 750-nm laser micro-irradiation. EGFP-PARP1, XRCC1-mGFP and EGFP-LIG3 show near instantaneous recruitment to sites of DNA damage, and PNKP-mGFP is also rapidly recruited. Laser micro-irradiation using multi-photon 750 nm was carried out as outlined in the Materials and Methods section using HeLa cells expressing fluorescently tagged versions of indicated proteins. Recruitment curves show quantification of signals over the observed time scale starting at the time when the damage is introduced by the laser (t = 0). Error bars represent SEM from three independent experiments for a total of 36 individual cells.

Image published in: Abdou I et al. (2015)

© The Author(s) 2014. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license

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