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Xenbase Image ID: 84421

FIG. 3. Second-phase movements during germ plasm localization in control (A, B) and Xklp1 oligo-injected (C, D) oocytes. Several areas of germ plasm have been highlighted. The time between the first and second frames in each case is 40 min. Individual islands of germ plasm fuse together in the controls, but the area of the oocyte occupied by the germ plasm does not decrease. No fusion occurs in the Xklp1-depleted eggs. Scale bar, 74 um for (A, B, D, E), and double this figure for (C, F).

Image published in: Quaas J and Wylie C (2002)

Copyright © 2002. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

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