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Figure 3. The motion and direction of movement of Xkid-Qdots depend on the position in the spindle along the pole-to-pole axis.Spatial distribution of Xkid-Qdots and their motion along the pole-to-pole axis. (a) Histogram of the spatial distribution of Xkid-Qdots at each time point (red, equator mode; blue, pole mode; green, E-P mode) (n = 9 spindles, 170 Qdots, 5,234 time points) and DNA distribution along the pole-to-pole axis (mean ± s.e.m.; blue, n = 7 spindles) as a function of the distance from equator (AU). (b) Spatial distribution of the mode of motion along the pole-to-pole axis (red, equator mode; blue, pole mode; green, E-P mode) shown in (a). Each region represents at least 100 time points. (c) Spatial distribution of the instantaneous velocity along the pole-to-pole axis (mean ± s.e.m.; red, equator mode; blue, pole mode; green, E-P mode). Data with statistical significance (p) are shown in Supplementary Table S2, see also Supplementary Fig. S3a. (d) Spatial distribution of the run length and lifetime along the pole-to-pole axis (mean ± s.e.m.; red, equator mode; blue, pole mode; green, E-P mode). Data are shown in Supplementary Table S2, see also Supplementary Fig. S3b, c.

Image published in: Takagi J et al. (2013)

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