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Xenbase Image ID: 197120

Figure 4. I–V relations of Cx30 hemichannels in 24, 120 and 240 mM extracellular NaCl. Current traces of Cx30 hemichannels were recorded in 24 mM (blue), 120 mM (red) and 240 mM (black) extracellular NaCl. Calcium in all the solutions is chelated by EGTA to 10 nM. Note that the intersection point of the currents is in the first quadrant and that reversal potentials shift to positive values with increasing NaCl concentration, allowing calculations of relative Na+, K+ and Cl− conductances by the GHK equation.

Image published in: Xu J and Nicholson BJ (2023)

© 2023 by the authors. Creative Commons Attribution license

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