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Xenbase Image ID: 127999

Figure 7. The F244W mutation mimics the I241W mutation. (A) Ionic current traces recorded from the F244W mutant using the indicated activation protocol. (B) Gating current traces recorded from the F244W mutant using the indicated activation protocol. (C) Q-V (black squares), G-V (open squares), and τ-V of gating current (black spheres) plots for the F244W mutant determined from activation protocols. (D) Q-V curves for the double mutants F244W/R2K (black squares) and F244W/R3K (open circles) determined from activation protocols. The dotted blue line represents the Q-V curve of the F244W mutant depicted in C. The red lines represent the fit to a sequential double-Boltzmann equation. (E) Deactivation gating currents measured for the F244W mutant at 28°C. (F) Q-V curves determined at 28°C during activation (black squares) and deactivation (open circles) for the F244W mutant.

Image published in: Lacroix JJ et al. (2012)

© 2012 Lacroix et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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