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Figure 5. Dependence of the inward tail currents of D76H on pHext and [Cl−]extA, changes in the reversal potential as a function of pHext are presented as ΔVrev, obtained as the difference between the reversal potential value at each pH and the value obtained at pH 5.3. Data are presented for pH 4.3 (n= 7), 4.8 (n= 7), 5.3 (n= 12), 6.3 (n= 5), 6.8 (n= 5), 7.3 (n= 5) and 8 (n= 6). Measurements were performed at 100 mm[Cl−]ext. The full, dashed-dotted, dashed and dotted lines represent the theoretical expectation for the changes in the reversal potential for transporters with 2 : 1, 3 : 1 or 1 : 1 Cl−/H+ stoichiometry or a pure proton conductance, respectively, under the same pH conditions. ΔVrev values calculated do not depend on assumptions on [Cl−]int (eqn (3)). B, the reversal potential as a function of [Cl−]ext is presented as the difference between the reversal potential value at each Cl− concentration and the value obtained at 100 mm[Cl−]. Data are presented for [Cl−] of 10 mm (n= 8), 30 mm (n= 7), 100 mm (n= 7) and 300 mm (n= 6). Full, dashed-dotted, dashed and dotted lines have the same meaning as in A. ΔVrev values calculated do not depend on assumptions on pHint (eqn (3)). Error bars are mostly smaller than symbols.

Image published in: De Stefano S et al. (2013)

Image downloaded from an Open Access article in PubMed Central. © 2013 The Authors

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