Xenbase Image ID: 171563
Figure 3 CS-induced pathfinding errors result in a wider
optic tract. The widths of control and CS-treated optic
projections were quantified on normalized scans of camera
lucida drawings made from wholemount brains. (A) Widths
measured at 0.1 CTU intervals (for definition of CTU refer
to Materials and Methods) show that CS treatment resulted
in a significantly wider optic tract along its entire length (p
.001 at each point). (B) Dose–response curve of CStreated
optic tracts. Tract widths were measured at mid-tract
(0.4 CTU) and show that concentrations greater than 5
mg/mL resulted in the formation of a wider optic tract. Image published in: Walz A et al. (2002) Copyright © 2002. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher. Larger Image Printer Friendly View |