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Xenbase Image ID: 124794

Figure 1. Phylogenetic relationships of mosquito ORs.Culex ORs are in black, Anopheles ORs are in blue and Aedes ORs are in red. Filled circles and empty circles represent 94–100% and 79–93% bootstrap support, respectively. The green box represents relationships in the conserved OR2-OR10 subgroup. CquiOR2 corresponds to (XM_001864509/XP_001864544), CquiOR9 to (XM_001864508/XP_001864543) and CquiOR10 to (XM_001844036/XP_001844088). Major species-specific expansions and conserved OR7 and OR8 subgroups are indicated.

Image published in: Pelletier J et al. (2010)

Pelletier et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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