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Xenbase Image ID: 123775

Figure 1. Intercalation inhibits initiation of chromosomal DNA replication. (A) Replication time-courses in the control extract or in the presence of ethidium bromide or doxorubicin at indicated concentrations. (B) Replication was assessed by immunofluorescence of incorporated biotin-dUTP in the absence (Ctl) or presence of 100 μM ethidium (EB), the 45 min time-point is shown. (C) Replication time-course of ssDNA (M13 bacteriophage) in the absence or presence of 100 μM ethidium bromide. (D) Replication time-course of dsDNA in the absence or presence of 100 μM ethidium, added either at the beginning (EB 0′) or at 60 min. (EB 60′). (E) Sperm nuclei were incubated in the presence of Br-dUTP without (Ctl) or with 100 μM ethidium bromide (EB). At 75 min DNA was combed and single fibre analysis was performed. Images represent examples of DNA fibres; ssDNA in red, Br-dUTP in green, bar 10 μm.

Image published in: Krasinska L and Fisher D (2009)

© 2009 The Author(s). Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license

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