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Xenbase Image ID: 85219

Figure 2. Unc45b expression in Xenopus tropicalis. (A) WISH showing unc45b expression in developing heart (hrt) and somites (som) at stage 28. (B) ventral view of heart expression at stage 28. (C) unc45b expression at stage 40 throughout the somites and (D) in jaw (jw), heart (hrt) and body wall muscles (bw).

Image published in: Geach TJ and Zimmerman LB (2010)

Copyright ©2010 Geach and Zimmerman; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Creative Commons Attribution license

unc45bcmya4, dicky ticker, smunc45, unc45X. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 28skeletal muscle
heart primordium
unc45bcmya4, dicky ticker, smunc45, unc45X. tropicalisThroughout NF stage 40muscle
skeletal muscle
hypaxial muscle
jaw muscle
musculature of face
m. subarcualis rectus I primordium
m. intermandibularis
m. subarcualis rectus I
m. orbitohyoideus

Image source: Published

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