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Disease Synonyms Description Articles Phenotypes
primary syphilis
Symptomatic early syphilis; Symptomatic early syph.. [+]
A syphilis that is the first stage of syphilis, ma..[+]
kidney sarcoma
sarcoma of kidney (disorder); sarcoma of kidney; r.. [+]
A kidney cancer that is located in the kidney's co..[+]
infundibulocystic basal cell carcinoma
skin infundibulocystic basal cell carcinoma
A variant of basal cell carcinoma characterized by..[+]
nodular basal cell carcinoma
skin solid (nodular) Basal cell carcinoma; skin no.. [+]
A basal cell carcinoma characterized by elevated, ..[+]
metatypical basal cell carcinoma
skin Metatypical carcinoma; skin metatypical basal.. [+]
pigmented basal cell carcinoma
skin pigmented basal cell carcinoma
micronodular basal cell carcinoma
skin micronodular basal cell carcinoma
adamantinoid basal cell epithelioma
skin adamantinoid basal cell epithelioma; Basal ce.. [+]
clear cell basal cell carcinoma
skin clear cell basal cell carcinoma
adenoid basal cell carcinoma
skin adenoid basal cell carcinoma
A basal cell carcinoma that is characterized by th..[+]
follicular basal cell carcinoma
Skin Follicular Basal Cell Carcinoma; follicular (.. [+]
A basal cell carcinoma that is characterized by fo..[+]
infiltrative basal cell carcinoma
skin infiltrating basal cell carcinoma
A basal cell carcinoma that is characterized by th..[+]
cystic basal cell carcinoma
skin cystic basal cell carcinoma
A nodular basal cell carcinoma that is characteriz..[+]
burning mouth syndrome
Stomatopyrosis; Orodynia
A mouth disease that is characterized by long-last..[+]
tinea capitis
Scalp ringworm; Dermatophytosis of scalp; dermatop.. [+]
A dermatophytosis that results_in contagious funga..[+]
apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndrome
syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess; syn.. [+]
A steroid inherited metabolic disorder characteriz..[+]
reticulohistiocytic granuloma
Solitary reticulohistiocytoma; solitary reticulohi.. [+]
cutaneous fibrous histiocytoma
Sclerosing angioma of skin; Sclerosing angioma; Sc.. [+]
papillary renal cell carcinoma
sporadic papillary renal cell carcinoma; Chromophi.. [+]
A renal cell carcinoma that is characterized by th..[+]
allergic rhinitis
seasonal allergic rhinitis; atopic rhinitis; Non-s.. [+]
A rhinitis that is an allergic inflammation and ir..[+]
1 articles 3 matches
thyroid sarcoma
sarcoma of the Thyroid gland
A thyroid gland cancer that is located_in the supp..[+]
soft tissue Perineurioma
multiple system atrophy
Shy-Drager syndrome; Multiple system atrophy (diso.. [+]
testicular sex cord-stromal neoplasm
Sex Cord-Stromal tumor of testis
A sex cord-gonadal stromal tumor that is located_i..[+]
lymph node tuberculosis
scrofula; king's evil; Lymph Node Tuberculosis; Tu.. [+]
An extrapulmonary tuberculosis that is located_in ..[+]
essential tremor
shaky hand syndrome; essential hereditary tremor; .. [+]
A movement disorder that causes involuntary tremor..[+]
1 articles
subacute and chronic melioidosis; acute and fulmin.. [+]
A primary bacterial infectious disease that result..[+]
copper deficiency myelopathy
Swayback of sheep (disorder); human swayback
A nutritional deficiency disease that is character..[+]
bizarre leiomyoma
Symplastic leiomyoma; Pleomorphic leiomyoma; Atypi.. [+]
A leiomyoma that is characterized by large, atypic..[+]
uterine corpus sarcoma
sarcoma of uterus; sarcoma of Corpus Uteri; sarcom.. [+]
An uterine corpus cancer that is located_in the mu..[+]
malignant struma ovarii
Struma ovarii, malignant; Struma ovarii, malignant.. [+]
A struma ovarii that is cancerous.
heart sarcoma
sarcoma of Heart; cardiac sarcoma
A sarcoma and malignant neoplasm of heart that is ..[+]
Roberts syndrome
SC phocomelia syndrome; LONG BONE DEFICIENCIES ASS.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by tetraphocomelia, crani..[+]
functioning pituitary adenoma
Secretory adenoma of the Pituitary gland
lung small cell carcinoma
small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of lung; small.. [+]
A lung carcinoma that has_material_basis_in primit..[+]
1 articles
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
secondary Meig's syndrome
An ovarian disease that is characterized by cystic..[+]
mediastinum synovial sarcoma
Synovial sarcoma of mediastinum
A synovial sarcoma that is located_in the mediasti..[+]
biphasic synovial sarcoma
Synovial sarcoma, biphasic; Synovial sarcoma, biph.. [+]
epithelioid cell synovial sarcoma
Synovial sarcoma, epithelioid cell; Synovial sarco.. [+]
breast squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma of breast; SCC of breast; .. [+]
A breast metaplastic carcinoma that arises from sq..[+]
nasal cavity squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity; squam.. [+]
A nasal cavity carcinoma that has_material_basis_i..[+]
gastric squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma of stomach
A squamous cell carcinoma that is located_in the s..[+]
penis squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma of penis; Epidermoid cell .. [+]
A penis carcinoma that has_material_basis_in squam..[+]
colon squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma of colon; Colonic Epidermo.. [+]
A squamous cell carcinoma that is located_in the c..[+]
head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck; squa.. [+]
A head and neck carcinoma that has_material_basis_..[+]
1 articles
keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing; squamous ce.. [+]
A squamous cell carcinoma that presents as single,..[+]
middle ear squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma of middle ear; Epidermoid .. [+]
A middle ear carcinoma that has_material_basis_in ..[+]
rectum squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma of the rectum; squamous ca.. [+]
A squamous cell carcinoma that is located_in the r..[+]
lacrimal gland squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma of lacrimal gland; Epiderm.. [+]
A squamous cell carcinoma that is located_in the l..[+]
ovarian squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma of ovary; ovarian squamous.. [+]
An ovarian carcinoma that derives_from squamous ep..[+]

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