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Disease Synonyms Description Articles Phenotypes
X-Linked immunodeficiency 74
X-linked immunodeficiency 74,COVID-19-related; IMD.. [+]
A T cell deficiency characterized by severe respir..[+]
X-linked parkinsonism-spasticity syndrome
XPDS; X-linked Parkinsonism with spasticity
A movement disease characterized by slowly progres..[+]
X-linked epilepsy with variable learning disabilities and behavior disorders
X-linked epilepsy-learning disabilities-behavior d.. [+]
An epilepsy characterized by epilepsy with variabl..[+]
X-linked retinitis pigmentosa and sinorespiratory infections
primary ciliary dyskinesia-retinitis pigmentosa sy.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by retinitis pigmentosa a..[+]
X-linked severe congenital neutropenia
A severe congenital neutropenia that has_material_..[+]
X-linked spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia
SEMD X-linked; SEMDX
A spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia that has_materi..[+]
X-linked dyserythropoietic anemia
X-linked dyserythropoietic anemia with abnormal pl.. [+]
An anemia characterized by early-onset anemia and ..[+]
X-linked atrophic macular degeneration
A macular degeneration characterized by macular at..[+]
X-linked lissencephaly 2
XLIS2; XLAG (X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal .. [+]
A lissencephaly characterized by structural brain ..[+]
X-linked lissencephaly 1
XLIS1; lissencephaly type 1 due to doublecortin ge.. [+]
A lissencephaly characterized by classic lissencep..[+]
X-linked spermatogenic failure 3
A spermatogenic failure characterized by asthenote..[+]
spinal accessory nerve neoplasm
XIth Cranial nerve tumors; neoplasm of accessory n.. [+]
combined T cell and B cell immunodeficiency
X-linked combined immunodeficiency; combined immun.. [+]
A primary immunodeficiency disease characterized b..[+]
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
X-linked hyperuricemia; X-linked hyperuricemia (di.. [+]
A purine-pyrimidine metabolic disorder characteriz..[+]
Klinefelter syndrome
XXY syndrome; XXY trisomy; Klinefelter syndrome; H.. [+]
A chromosomal duplication syndrome that is charact..[+]
Turner syndrome
XO syndrome; Gonadal dysgenesis - Turner; Karyotyp.. [+]
A gonadal dysgenesis that is characterized by shor..[+]
1 articles
juvenile xanthogranuloma
Xanthoma neviforme; Multiple eruptive juvenile xan.. [+]
A non-Langerhans-cell histiocytosis is characteriz..[+]
malignant inflammatory fibrous histiocytoma
Xanthosarcoma; inflammatory MFH
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy; ALD; diffuse sclero.. [+]
A leukodystrophy that disrupts the breakdown of ve..[+]
Sjogren's syndrome
xerodermosteosis; Sicca syndrome; Sjogren syndrome.. [+]
An autoimmune disease that involves attack of immu..[+]
Wolman disease
Xanthomatosis, familial; Acid lipase deficiency; W.. [+]
A lysosomal acid lipase deficiency characterized b..[+]
Partington syndrome
X-linked Russell-Silver syndrome
A syndrome characterized by intellectual disabilit..[+]
lidocaine allergy
xylocaine allergy; lignocaine allergy; Lidoderm al.. [+]
A drug allergy that has_allergic_trigger lidocaine..[+]
Dent disease
X-linked hypercalciuric nephrocalcinosis; Dent dis.. [+]
A renal tubular transport disease that is characte..[+]
6 articles
Armfield syndrome
X-linked intellectual disability, Armfield type; A.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
Ogden syndrome
X-linked Malformation and Infantile Lethality Synd.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by postnatal growth failu..[+]
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome spondylodysplastic type 2
xylosylprotein 4-beta-galactosyltransferase defici.. [+]
An Ehlers-Danlos syndrome that is characterized by..[+]
CD40 ligand deficiency
X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome; HIGMX-1
A combined T cell and B cell immunodeficiency that..[+]
sideroblastic anemia 1
X-linked sideroblastic anemia; X-linked sideroblas.. [+]
A sideoblastic anemia that is characterized by the..[+]
Kennedy's disease
X-linked Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy; X-Lin.. [+]
A spinal muscular dystrophy that has_material_basi..[+]
1 articles
Renpenning syndrome
X-linked mental retardation with spastic diplegia; .. [+]
An intellectual disability that is characterized b..[+]
1 articles 18 matches
MASA syndrome
X-linked corpus callosum agenesis; X-linked spasti.. [+]
A hereditary spastic paraplegia that is characteri..[+]
Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome type 1
X-linked dysplasia gigantism syndrome; DGSX Golabi.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by pre- and postnatal ove..[+]
chromosome Xp21 deletion syndrome
Xp21 microdeletion syndrome; monosomy Xp21; comple.. [+]
A chromosomal deletion syndrome that has_material_..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Lubs type
X-linked intellectual disability-hypotonia-recurre.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability 5
X-linked intellectual disability-Dandy-Walker malf.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
MEHMO syndrome
X-linked intellectual disability-epileptic seizure.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability 17
X-linked mental retardation with alacrima and acha.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability 12
X-linked intellectual disability, Wilson type; men.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
Prieto syndrome
X-linked intellectual disability-dysmorphism-cereb.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Hedera type
X-linked mental retardation with epilepsy; mental .. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Najm type
X-linked intellectual disability-microcephaly-pont.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability 7
X-linked intellectual disability, Ahmad type; MRXS.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability type 10
X-linked intellectual disability-choreoathetosis-a.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Turner type
X-linked intellectual disability, Brooks type; men.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
Wilson-Turner syndrome
X-linked intellectual disability-gynecomastia-obes.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
Miles-Carpenter syndrome
X-linked intellectual disability, Miles-Carpenter .. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Chudley-Schwartz type
X-linked mental retardation with seizures, hypogam.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Nascimento type
X-linked intellectual disability-nail dystrophy-se.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Cabezas type
X-linked mental retardation with short stature; X-.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]

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