Development Special Issue:
Development at the single cell level
Development continues to accept submissions for its special issue on development at the single cell level. This special issue will focus on the use of single cell technologies, including ‘omic, live imaging and quantitative approaches, to understand developmental processes in ever greater detail. The deadline for submission is 31 October 2018.
The special issue will be guest-edited by Allon Klein and Barbara Treutlein, working alongside the team of academic Editors. Due to be published in mid-2019, it will receive extensive exposure to a broad audience of developmental and stem cell biologists.
For more information about the scope of this special issue, as well as details on article types and submission deadlines, please visit the Development website.
If you would like to discuss a potential submission or send in a presubmission enquiry, feel free to contact Development at
Why publish in Development?
* Submissions handled by expert academic Editors
* Competitive decision speeds and rapid publication
* Format-free submission
* Strong commitment at first decision – over 95% of invited revisions accepted
* Free to publish – no page or colour charges, no hidden fees
* Easy one-click transfer option to Biology Open
* Not-for-profit publisher
For more information, visit the Development website.
Last Updated: 2018-09-14