Xenbase Image ID: 83181
Figure 1. PACRG expression during early Xenopus development. (A) Expression at the four-cell stage (top view). (A’) Sagittal hemisection of embryo shown in (A). Enlargements (boxes) indicate higher expression levels on the dorsal side. (B) Gastrula embryo. Persistent differences in staining intensities between dorsal and ventral side. (B’) Sagittal hemisection (plane indicated in (B)) revealing mRNA localization in deep mesoderm. Note that the superficial mesoderm (SM) was free of PACRG mRNA (inset in (B’)). Dorsal lip marked by asterisk. (C) Expression in the gastrocoel roof plate (GRP) at stage 17 (dorsal explant shown in ventral view). (C’) Histological section (plane marked in (C)). (D) Expression at stage 23 in ciliated cells of the epidermis and the floor plate (sagittal section shown in (D’)). Enlargements show multiciliated skin cells ((D”); cilia indicated by arrowheads) and GRP cells after intercalation into the notochord ((D”’); arrowheads). (E) Staining in the otic vesicle and nephrostomes (arrowheads). (E’,E”) Histological sections (levels indicated in (E)) highlighting expression in the otic vesicle (E’) and nephrostomes ((E”), arrowheads). a = anterior; an = animal; bc = blastocoel; bp = blastopore; d = dorsal; dl = dorsal lip; dm = deep mesoderm; fg = foregut; fp = floor plate; hg = hindgut; l = left; no = notochord; ov = otic vesicle; p = posterior; r = right; s = somite; v = ventral; veg = vegetal. Image published in: Thumberger T et al. (2012) Copyright ©2012 Thumberger et al. Creative Commons Attribution license
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