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Xenbase Image ID: 125680

Fig. 4. Cx36-EGFP puncta do not form in the absence of genomic Cx36 expression. The cerebellum (a, ML = molecular layer) and olfactory bulb glomeruli (c,e) of Cx36−/−-TgCx36-EGFP backcrossed progeny are devoid of GFP-containing puncta unlike the corresponding structures (b, cerebellum; d,f, olfactory bulb glomeruli) of their Cx36+/+-TgCx36-EGFP littermates. GFP puncta were observed both by epifluorescence (a,b,c,d) and immunohistochemical analysis (e,f) with anti-gfp and anti-calretinin antibodies (green and red respectively). The presence of puncta within glomeruli, demarcated by calretinin-positive cells, in Cx36+/+ mice (f) and absence in homozygous knockout littermates (e) is clearly noticeable at higher magnification. Scale: a,b,c,d = 100 μM, e,f = 25 μM.

Image published in: Helbig I et al. (2010)

© 2010 Elsevier Inc. Creative Commons Attribution license

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