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Fig. S2. Vent2 is expressed in the posterior endoderm and can repress foregut development from blastula to early somite stages. (A) In situ hybridization of bisected Xenopus embryos (anterior left) shows that vent2 RNA is robustly expressed in the posterior endoderm from gastrula stage 11 to stage 22, in a reciprocal pattern to hhex. Throughout this period of development, wnt8 RNA is expressed in the lateral mesoderm (red arrows) adjacent to the vent2-expressing posterior endoderm. (B) Injection of vent2 RNA (500 pg) into the anterior D1 cells of the 32-cell stage embryo results in repression of foxa2 expression in the foregut endoderm at stage 18. (C) RNA encoding a hormone inducible GR-Vent2 fusion protein, with the hormone-binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor fused to Vent2, was injected into the D1 anterior cells of 32-cell stage embryos. Dexamethasone (Dex, 10-6 M) was added to the media at the indicated stages, embryos were cultured until stage 35-37 and assayed by for1 and pdx1 in situ hybridization. Ectopic GR-Vent2 can repress foregut development up until stage 20, which is similar to the period when ectopically activated β-catenin can repress foregut development. No effect was observed on uninjected embryos treated with Dex, or on injected embryos without Dex.

Image published in: McLin VA et al. (2007)

Copyright © 2007. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

foxa2.LHNF-3B, hnf3-beta, hnf3b, hnf3beta, LOC108717763X. laevisThroughout NF stage 18endoderm
neural tube
floor plate
hhex.Lhex, tHex, XHexX. laevisSometime during NF stage 11 to NF stage 22endoderm
ventx2.2.Lvent-2, vent2, Xom, xvent-2, xvent2X. laevisThroughout NF stage 11 to NF stage 22endoderm
wnt8a.Lwnt-8, wnt8, Xwnt-8, Xwnt8X. laevisSometime during NF stage 11 to NF stage 22mesoderm

Image source: Published

Experiment + Assay Source Phenotypes and Disease
Xla Wt + ventx1.2 + NF18 (in situ hybridization) Fig.S.2.B
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount foxa2.L expression in foregut endoderm
Xla Wt + VP16-ventx2.2-GR + DEX + NF35/36-37 and 38 (in situ hybridization) Fig.S.2.C
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount nr1h5.L expression in liver
decreased amount pdx1.L expression in dorsal pancreatic bud
decreased amount pdx1.L expression in ventral pancreatic bud
Xla Wt + VP16-ventx2.2-GR + DEX + NF35/36-37 and 38 (in situ hybridization) Fig.S.2.C
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount nr1h5.L expression in liver
decreased amount pdx1.L expression in dorsal pancreatic bud
decreased amount pdx1.L expression in ventral pancreatic bud
Xla Wt + VP16-ventx2.2-GR + DEX + NF35/36-37 and 38 (in situ hybridization) Fig.S.2.C
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount nr1h5.L expression in liver
decreased amount pdx1.L expression in dorsal pancreatic bud
decreased amount pdx1.L expression in ventral pancreatic bud
Xla Wt + VP16-ventx2.2-GR + DEX + NF35/36-37 and 38 (in situ hybridization) Fig.S.2.C
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount nr1h5.L expression in liver
decreased amount pdx1.L expression in dorsal pancreatic bud
decreased amount pdx1.L expression in ventral pancreatic bud

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