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Xenbase Image ID: 125781

Figure 2. Temporally Resolved RF Measurements.A) RF impedance changes (|ΔZRF|) measured during TEVC relative to the impedance at holding potential (−90 mV) in control oocytes, expressing endogenous proteins only (n = 10, left column), and ShB-IR expressing oocytes (n = 9, right column). ShB-IR expressing oocytes elicited a membrane-potential-dependent (Vm*) RF response different than control oocytes. RF impedance changes were analyzed in two regions; the RF response during the onset of voltage-step (o, average |ΔZRF|o 0–1 ms after voltage step, dVm*/dt > 0) and the RF response after membrane potential achieved its command (steady-state) level (s, average |ΔZRF|s 5–35 ms after voltage step, dVm*/dt ≅ 0). B) TEVC current measurements were used to verify ion-channel expression and responses (leak current subtracted, capacitive transient unsubtracted) to C) whole-cell voltage-clamp.

Image published in: Dharia S and Rabbitt RD (2011)

Dharia, Rabbitt. Creative Commons Attribution license

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